Attendance is highly valued at Bill Roberts. In order for students to receive the full benefit of Bill Roberts education, daily attendance is the first and most important step, we ask families to ensure their child is present each and every day. The school calendar is published and distributed before the commencement of the school year and parents are asked to schedule any travel and/or appointments within the dates that classes are not in session.
Excusing an Absence
Please notify the school if your child will be absent or tardy by phoning the school attendance line at (720) 424-2649. This should be done each day a child is absent. Please be advised that the explanation for an absence left on the attendance line or in a note does not automatically excuse the absence. Although some absences are excused, they still count against your student’s attendance record.
Excused absences include:
Note: All other absences are considered unexcused.
Students who have four or more absences or tardies in a single month, or ten or more absences/tardies in a school year, are considered to be “habitually truant” under state law. Each month, Bill Roberts will review student attendance and tardies and send a letter to parents/guardians of students who have been present less than 85%.